Monday, August 2, 2010

Saying au revoir in dogspeak

Also today, we sent Finnegan off with brother George and Amanda and kids Sulla & Griff. We tried to explain to him that we"d see him in a year, but not sure he fully understood. He was preoccupied chasing chipmunks & ground hogs at sister Ginny's house in Nj (where we stayed last night). Well, Finny, we will miss you. You'll have fun with the cows and deer and your cousin Buttons in Virginia.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. HI!!!!!! I mean Bon Jour!!! I think that's how u spell it!.It's Sulla!!!! Are you having fun?? Duh,of course you are in Europe!!!!! Finny and Buttons are having a ball from chasing each other to racing to the tennis balls that I throw.Right now Finny is exploring the house while chewing on a rawhide bone!
    Hope u r having fun,
