Friday, August 13, 2010


Given that it has been difficult so far for the children to post to the blog, today, in honor of the series of sketches by James Joyce of the inhabitants of Dublin, I'm going to interview Clare, Isabella, and Emmett about their impressions of the trip so far.

Clare, what are your impressions of the UK so far? "They are smarter than Americans in terms of design--converting castles and using costumed employees. There's also a lot of Italian food. And people from the UK are not as loud as Americans."

What have been the most memorable attractions so far? "London Eye and Stonehenge."

What's the most difficult thing about being in the UK? "The other tourists." Also, "lots of people are confused about us because of Dad's Australian accent and our American ones."

Would you ever want to live in the UK? "Yep, definitely." [now that she has dual Australian-American citizenship, she can work in the UK without a problem until the age of 30].

Why was Pete Best kicked out of The Beatles? "He was involved in a conspiracy with the Russian government."

Favorite Beatle? "George."

What do you miss? "Finnegan and my friends."

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