Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Historic Day

Historic day - in that we delved into a lot of history. Sid was in her element. Started Wednesday at the Tower of London, checked out the Bloody Tower, Beachamp, White & various other locales. Missed the crown jewels due to the length of the queue (too many damn tourists in this place), but we did see some replicas of coronation crowns. The Medieval part of the tower was particularly impressive, considering all. After a meal of dodgy fish & chips, we tried to go to the London Dungeon. The 90 minute wait deterred us, so we took a ferry up to Wesminster & into the Abbey. Obviously a highlight - Philip & Emmett did a quick spin through the place & rode the double decker bus home; Sid & girls gave it a thorough once over. The girls were particularly into it - Isabella unearthed her favorite author's resting place (Chaucer - St Ann's, whaddya going to say?). Quick recovery at the hotel, dinner in the neighbourhood. Quite a day.

Spooky fact--Clare and Isabella are the same ages, 12 & 10 as the princes probably killed in the Tower (maybe by Richard III, maybe by Henry VIII). Anne Boleyn, Catherine Howard, and Robert Devereaux (among others) lost their heads on the green there--also spooky.

Interestingly, both the Abbey and the Tower are still working institutions.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds just amazing!!! Syd, Susan and I are heading out to Jack the Horse - thinking of you - missing you. Once you get settled, we will all have coffee via skype.
