Friday, August 27, 2010

Roses and Thorns in the UK


1. You are allowed to bring your dog to pubs in the UK. Now that is civilized. Then again, with my dog and a beer, I don't know that I'd ever leave the pub.
2. Public transportation is majorly subsidized--trains are relatively cheap, fast, and even a little swank.
3. National Health (alright, we're getting there in the US).
4. It costs you to drive in the center city of London (got close to this in NYC--should try again).
5. Excellent Shakespeare any night you want it.
6. Babysitters are respected professionals--with serious training and credentials.
7. Tipping doesn't break the bank--about 10% here.
8. Afternoon Tea
9. Being within 3 hours of Paris
10. Old, gorgeous churches


1. Roundabouts--really? Bane of my UK existence.
2. Left-hand side driving--really really? I feared for my life in the passenger's seat (and PK is an excellent driver).
3. Queuing as a sport and/or art. Just say no. How many times did we face a long line only to discover another entrance with no line at all?
4. Roads--lord have mercy. But I guess this explains the emphasis on trains.

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