Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Erin Go Bragh

Some impressions of Ireland: it's cold in summer; the food is very creamy (heavy cream in coffee, in cereal, in potatoes, on fruit); We overheard a family speaking in Gaelic at dinner--it is pronounced very differently than it's spelled (but I guess that's just our Anglo limitations--Clare is toying with spelling her name the Gaelic way, "Chlair"); the landscape is breathtaking--we can see how this was to Edmund Spenser a "Faerie" world; it feels a little magical and auld (George, you need to be here to discuss "me lucky charms"); the history of British domination is more apparent closer to Dublin; here in the West you feel closer to Cuchulain and Fergus than to Parnell and Collins. There's a young population and sports is central (even women's sports! we've seen footage of women's Gaelic Football and girls trotting around with hurling sticks, what a wicked game); golf courses take up some of the prettiest parcels of land, and the Celtic Tiger economy is now a bit of an sickly kitten--we have heard terrible riches to rags stories since we've been here--here's hoping it starts to roar again.

1 comment:

  1. Always after me lucky charms, with sweet surprises. Part of your nutritious breakfast. This is what I know of Ireland. And new, blue diamonds!
