Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Paris, deuxieme jour

Better organised (more or less) today. After a leisurely start - the waiter in the cafe down the road knows our breakfast order already - we tooled off to the Eiffel tower with pre-booked tickets in hand. Skipping the long line, we all zipped up to the second level. Then Philip took the kids to the top for some spectacular views of the city. It really is quite a marvellous structure - all 3 children we interested in the elevators, where the counterweights were & how they worked. Geeks. Take after their father.

Fighting off the vendors, we ploughed through the Champ de Mars, shimmied over to Les Invalides (Isabella's request) to check out Napolean's bones (Isabella's phrase), then onto Rodin's museum (Clare's request, I think...)

The girls chose wisely. I think there's a toy store in Paris (no doubt of interest to Emmett) with a bar in it (no doubt of interest to Philip). Maybe tomorrow...

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