Monday, August 23, 2010

Nessie sightings!!!

After visiting Urquhart Castle ruins on the dark Scottish loch, we took a 1 hour cruise to look for the monster. As you can see, our efforts were wildly successful. Nessie seems to be bright green in the sunlight and black and menacing at night...This great loch is incredibly deep--700 feet and cold as ice. Our captain told us that a Polish marine dove off the cruise boat last year, about 20 yards from the inaccessible shore (ostensibly to prove that it IS accessible). He made it a few feet before passing out with hypothermia. Or maybe Nessie scared him senseless.


  1. this is all fake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you idiots!!!!! let me stuff the Nessie picture up your arse

  2. I am sorry for the behaviour of anonymous. But honestly, are you all insane?

  3. nobody knows who I am. but I come from Germany and I speak full english
