Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Here are some useful Imaginary Frequently Asked Questions about the trip. Feel free to add questions in the comment section below...

How are the children bearing all the castles, abbeys, and ruins?

Very well. There's usually some "please don't make us go...we'll do anything" sort of thing, but once we're out of the car, they end up having a good time.

How many miles did you drive in the UK?

Just under 2,000.

Who drives and was it an adjustment to shift to the left side?

Emmett drives. Ok, no, Philip does. His Aussie driving muscle memory kicked in after about 500 miles or so.

What's the weirdest thing you've seen?

We were mooned yesterday on the highway near Inverness. Also some tourists hit a sheep on the road just before us on Skye. And one of our B&B hostesses was prancing around the place in a towel and her husband served Philip a sausage and two tomato halves in very suggestive formation.

Are your notoriously picky-eater children finding the right foods to eat?

So far so good. The girls have even tried some new foods! We end up buying a ton of fruit to put off scurvy for another day. Ireland was tough on our vegetarian.

Why aren't the kids posting on this blog?

Good question. Because they are too busy playing Jelly Car apps on the i-thingys.

Are you using this blog post passive-aggressively to send them a message?

Of course not! The kids have been super troupers so far.

Laundry-- how are you managing?

By hook or by crook. We just conned the last hotel into washing almost all our clothes for only 17 pounds.

Are you and Philip gaining tons of weight from eating 3 catered meals per day, including full cooked breakfasts and desserts at every meal?

No comment.

How is Finnegan adjusting to rural life in Virginia?

Very well-- George has sent photos; Finnegan looks happy and at home. Sniff. We miss him.

1 comment:

  1. the B & B hostess in the towel sounds like a scene from Fawlty Towers!
