Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Training for the Black Watch Regiment

Today, (or, actually, two days ago, I forgot to blog it, it's Clare and Mom and Dad promised me I could) we went to: "Landmark" a wilderness/forest theme park.

This park was truly amazing... it had a 30 foot rock wall, a huge water slide, a forest canopy walk, a tree-top hebertimsm course, bumper cars, and, believe it or not, a 35 foot sky dive
First, for all those curious souls, (which I assume is all of you) who are thinking, "Would Sid Ray really let a 10-year old girl do a sky dive?" I shall let Isabella explain the sky dive:
we went when it was raining so climbing up was scary even though we had a harness on!
when we got up there it looked a lot higher then it was Clare went first since she hadn't looked down yet she jumped and when she had done it I jumped it was so much fun! you went fast at first but then your harness caught you and you slowed down. Grown ups went a lot faster and when they hit the bottom they fell!

Next, the waterslide. This thing was HUGE!!!! and it had three slides: The "Otter" Which was a tube that wasn't that steep but curved and twisted. The "Wildcat" which was medium-steep, and then got flat, and then was medium-steep, and then got flat, and so on, so your stomach lurched about 5 times. AWESOME!!!!!!! But even more awesome was "THE FALCON": The decline was almost totally vertical and you dropped like a stone, and it seemed like you were re-entering the earth's atmosphere. I wanted to do the falcon, but maybe try the wildcat first, but Isabella was persistent, so she jumped on the little tube thing that makes you go faster (and also prevents you from getting wet) and pulled me on, and we went straight down. It was the most fun waterslide I have ever been on. (I haven't been on many, but I assume this is one of the most fun.)

And so we come to "Ropeworx" the tree-top climbing/hebertism course. The above pictures are of Ropeworx. First, you got on a harness, except this one didn't let you fall, so if you fell, you would be caught by a rope, and the harness/rope was attached to a metal bar that went along the whole course. So, once attached to your harness, you ran up some stairs to like 10 feet up, and jump across some horizontal, moving, logs, then some vertical, moving logs. Then, without a rope to hold on to, (and by this point you were 15 feet in the air,) you walked across a thin log. Then, well, I'll just say "and so on, and so forth". Out of the 10 obstacles, the scariest and the hardest was at the top, at 20 feet, and you walked across a thin wire with only a rope to hold on to, the wire stretched 20 feet. I did it 3 times, Mom & Dad did it once each, and to Isabella's anguish, you had to be 1.5 meters. For under 1.5 meters, there was one called "Tarzan Trail" Which was, (at highest) 10 feet, and the obstacles were more secure, and your harness rope was shorter.
To give you an idea of how scared I was, I thought the sky dive was less scary.

Emmett would like to talk about the bumper cars:
They were awesome!!!!!! but you couldn't bump anyone. I was in the blue motorcycle, red motorcycle, and I forget the other car.

Isabella & Emmett can tell you about the rock wall:
The rock wall was very tricky. It was raining slightly, which made the wall slippery - our feet and hands kept slipping off the grips. But we kept trying - Isabella made it to the top a couple of times, Emmett made it 2/3 rds of the way up (Emmett seemed to enjoy falling down, supported by the rope harness, more than climbing up). Clare nearly made it to the top as well. It was hard, but lots of fun.

We all had an amazing time...

1 comment:

  1. this sounds awesome - scary too, and close to impossible if you are afraid of heights. but i want to try it! is there an age limit?
