Sunday, September 5, 2010

Cinq Terre. Cinq Etoiles.

It's hard for words to describe how stunning this place is. From the imposing mountains, dropping off into the sea, to the tiny, gorgeous villages carved into the rock, the terraced vineyards, the more recent construction marvels (the train line that spends something like 90% of its time in tunnels, the roads, foot paths) - it's all quite breathtaking. We decided to jump on a ferry from our base (Portovenere) & head up to the 5 towns. This being italy, they scheduled something like 4 boats to arrive & leave at the same time. Chaos, shouting, but eventually everyone seemed to make it on the appropriate crafts.

Leaving the port, the first thing you see is the wonderful striped church with the fort (C.16th) further up the hill.

After 30 minutes of nausea inducing cruising (some of our party were affected) we came to the first of the 5 towns.

With only small natural harbours (our boat performed some exotic maneuvre to disgorge its passengers. Bad choice of words) its really quite amazing that the towns grew to be the size they are (or were, back in the day). The local inhabitants were really quite industrious. Nowadays, of course, the towns are prized for their character, location & downright cuteness.

After disembarking at the first town, we walked up the coastal path (the Via dell Amore). The local custom is to take a padlock & leave it one the path, locked to some convenient stanchion. I guess the hikers are locking their love - the kids spied one padlock with a cute! Its a terrific coastline. It being a Sunday, the local inhabitants were out in force, enjoying the sun & the sea. We even spied one couple taking the name of the path literally. Move on, children.

Quite a special place.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Kearns/Ray Adventurers
    We have been following your escapades and adventures with great interest and have been reliving many of the places you have seen such as Portovenere recently. L'Italia e' una campagnia bella no? L'mangiata e' deliciosa? L'Venezia e' la citta stupenda?

    Keep the Italian up Clare, we too like Rodin and 'The Winged Victory of Samothrace'. Happy belated Birthday Emmett for 2 September. Isabella were you the hooded walking like an Egyptian in the Louvre?

    You will enjoy Lago di Como, Philip can tell you of an adventure we had at Nesso and Pogno Laro in 1976 when we finished up in a police station under semi-arrest. You will all enjoy Schloss Neuschwanstein. Emmett, do you know who built the Castle and what happened to him?

    So adventurers, greetings from a now cold Campbell River on Vancouver Island before we leave Vancouver for home next Monday.

    Bon Voyage, your fellow travellers and admirers.
