Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Easy Como, easy go..mo

A lovely relaxing day in Como. George (Clooney) was meant to have us down to his villa, but I guess he had some sort of scheduling conflict, which left us with a free day. Some R&R by the pool, catching up on reading, planning, plotting.

We had a quest...to find the 4th & 5th harry Potter books. Isabella had to have them, would die without reading these tomes. After striking out in Florence & Venice, we found a bookstore in a suburb of Lugano (Ch) that has the 4th, in English - go figure. So tomorrow we are off, on our quest, fingers crossed. Stay tuned (the kids just watched Monty Python & the Holy Grail, so everything now is about quests).

But back to Como. Later in the afternoon we mosied further up the lake to Mennagio & hired a small boat for a little cruise. The views from the water are stupendous - lovely villas, beautiful gardens, the palaces that have featured in various recent films (Oceans 12, a recent James Bond movie). Even if George (Clooney) could not meet us, we felt like we belonged. Kind of. Well, maybe not, but we could pretend. Seriously, this place is kind of magical & very relaxing after some hectic days in the cities. Much to the kids' relief, not a castle or church in sight. OK, there were some churches, but we only took photos from the outside. By unaminous consent, we would all come back here.

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