Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Hills Are Alive . . .

. . . in the town of Saltzburg (la la la la). Took in the city via horse-drawn carriage (driven by the crustiest, most incomprehensible Austrian man), walked by Mozart's haunts (birthplace, family home, favorite cafe), shopped for Isabella (who cannot live another day with her clothes), and then ascended the funicular to the medieval fortress. Everything looks familiar from The Movie--the convent, the cathedral, fountains, etc..., and strangely lots of people wear traditional Austrian garb. We kept thinking there was a parade or some sort of costume requirement for work, but no--some people really wear the dirndl and lederhosen. Okaaay. The city is addicted to caffeine--not only Viennese coffee but also Red Bull (whose inventor hails from Salzburg). The weather here has been a little crummy--something new for us. In the whole 7 weeks of travel, we haven't had a real rainout. Some isolated showers (in London and Florence) and maybe a day of drizzle (in Scotland), but nothing to keep us idle. Here, it's dreary and a bit cold. Must almost be time to go South again!

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