Wednesday, September 8, 2010


We are in Florence, busy seeing as much as possible in 3 days. Alas we do not have good access to the internet here, but we will update you fully when it becomes available, hopefully in Venice.

A quick recap--

Pisa for lunch on Monday (gorgeous buildings, gloriously restored. Too bad about the lean on that tower.

Florence on Monday afternoon - Friday morning. So far the Duomo, climbing the Campanile (416 steps), Santa Croce (love those Franciscans--they saved Galileo's body from the trash heap. He, along with Machiavelli, Michaelangelo, Rossini are all buried there), Accademia (David, major swoon), Science Museum (fingers of Galileo). Had a very strange dinner last night with an evil female tourist passing judgement on me during the course of the meal. She seemed appalled that the children were playing the itouch and ipad. I wished I had Galileo's middle finger to offer her.

At Santa Croce, I had to wear a robe of shame (above) because my shorts were too short. I think the Italians were just offended by the ghastly pallor of my legs after so much cold weather in the UK and Paris.

We are staying at our friend Elizabeth's sister's apartment near Santa Croce--it's nice to see Elizabeth smiling out at us from the photographs. We feel very much at home!

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