Monday, September 27, 2010

It really wasn't chicken! (And other stories from a vegetarian perspective.)

Hey, it's Clare! The pescetarian! (Which, in case you don't know, is a veggo that eats fish... ironically I actually hate most fish except salmon and haddock) Here to give you the incredibly stupid stories that come with being the aforementioned eater. (These aren't in any particular order...)

1st: In Athens we ordered room service the first and second nights- first night I got some "vegetarian" pasta which, after I ate half of it, was pretty sure had chicken in it. I refused to eat the rest. The second night I got the same, clearly telling the room service people that I DID NOT WANT MEAT. When are food came up, chicken was in it. I refused to eat a bite, but Dad, not wanting me to faint, took all the pieces out, what an awesome Dad.

Turns out, now we are in Mykonos, it wasn't chicken! It was this Greek Island cheese that needs to be grilled so it has the same consistency and shape and look as chicken. I knew it tasted like cheese!

2nd: In Tewkesbury, I looked at the menu and there was nothing but meat and some fish, so I decided to be 'wild' and try Lemon Sole. When I told the waiter I was veggo, he made a crossing sign with his fingers and slowly backed away, saying "nt, nt, nt!" what a strange fellow.

3rd: I mistakenly thought proscuitto was a type of cheese, when Dad told me it wasn't, I was very upset.

And always there have been stuff like, WHAT WILL I EAT???? I AM GOING TO FAINT HERE!!!!!!!! And simply having to eat pasta every night. Also I am frequently saying,

Me: "I'll have the ceasar salad, without the chicken and bacon, please. Is that all right?"

Waiter: "Hmmm..."

Mom: "She's a vegetarian."

Waiter: "Ahhh. I'll see what I can do. And what would you like for a main course?"

Me: "The salmon, please."

Waiter: "I see..." (I attract dubious looks from the waiter.)

I am being labled as: "The vegetarian that eats fish" Sometimes I feel like yelling, "What's the matter? Haven't you ever seen a pescetarian before?"

1 comment:

  1. Clare -
    Grilled octopus is amazing - with oil and vinegar (that is an 8 legged sea animal. Is that fish or foe?) + the fried cheese is saganaki (rubbery cheese - called kaseri)
    psari is the greek word for fish. Julian said if you cannot pronounce it, just do the international sign - which is sucking in your cheeks as in a fish face.
    PS love the pic of you in Santorini and Isabella + Emmett in Mykonos.
    pps hi from Max + Julian
