Monday, October 11, 2010

Final Post

Well folks, the Great K/R European Vacation is officially over. Now that we're in Australia, we can hardly continue under this title. So we have started another blog: Brooklynites Down Under and it's at Check us out!

To review. We were hardly the Griswold's of National Lampoon fame, but our European Vacation had its Griswoldian moments. Some final stats:

Planes: 5
International Trains: 2
Cross-Country Train: 1
Car Ferries: 3
People Ferries: 2
Small boat rides: at least 5
Rental Cars: 2
Miles on the Rental Cars--about 4,000
Countries in Europe: 12 (including Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, and Wales)
Most Countries in a Day: 4
Hotels: 27
Private Residence: 1 (thanks again, Lee)

Tantrums: Not as many as you would expect, but more than we would have liked.
Illnesses: 1 (not counting sea-sickness)--Philip's ear infection
Trips to doctor/hospital: 0!
Weight gained by adults: no comment
Blog posts: 80+

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